Friday, May 10, 2013

Hello. My name is Kelsey Archibald and I am entering fourth year in the Media Communications program at Brock University. As someone who is highly interested in advertising and the role that corporations play in the media, this blog provides me with the opportunity to explore issues within private and public broadcasting.

In a world dominated by commercialism, it is interesting to explore the way in which news stories portrayed by corporate-owned television broadcast companies may present skewed views and misinformation in comparison to the stories portrayed by public broadcasting companies.

In particular, this blog will focus on the differences in the portrayal of television news stories between privately owned broadcast companies in Canada including CTV, and Global, and publically owned broadcast companies including the CBC, as well as local news channels such as Southern Ontario's CHCH.  

This topic is of great importance to me as a Communications student. Not only is it our divine right to be treated as individuals rather than consumers, but public broadcasting acts as a way to promote a well-informed and more democratic population. With the most recent government funding cuts to our country’s leading public broadcaster, the CBC, it is clear that action must be taken in order to preserve these types of broadcasters and to ensure that our media is not overrun by corporate owned news channels.

Below, you will find a list of websites which will direct you to each of the television network's news pages, which will provide you with information on each of the stations and their mandates. Further, by examining the difference between the types of news that is displayed, the way in which these stories are portrayed, and even the look and feel of each of the sites (including advertising, layout, etc.) you may be able to note certain distinctions between the privately and publically owned broadcasting corporations.

I have also provided a couple of articles which contain more information on media bias and the effect of corporations on the media we consume.





What is Media Bias & where does it come from?:

The Public/Private Tension in Broadcasting: The Canadian Experience with Convergence:

As well, I have provided several twitter hash tags which will allow you to further explore similar issues on media bias, as well as issues regarding private and publically owned television broadcasting companies.

 for more information.







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